Ist sie nicht großartig?
Andrew BergmanSchauspieler:
Bette Midler, Nathan Lane, Stockard Channing, David Hyde Pierce, John Cleese, John Larroquette, Amanda Peet, Dina Spybey-WatersEnde der 50er Jahre versucht die in den besten Jahren befindliche Gelegenheitsentertainerin Jacqueline Susann auf den verschiedensten Wegen im Entertainment-Business Fuß zu fassen. Doch obwohl sie den erfolgreichen Promoter Irving Mansfield heiratet, bleibt ihr bis auf wenige Auftritte in Bühnen- und Radioshows der Erfolg versagt. Als ihr Mann daraufhin vorschlägt, doch mal ihr Glück als Autorin zu versuchen, landet Susann einen beeindruckenden Volltreffer. Just, als sich ihr berufliches Schicksal zum Guten wendet, ziehen dunkle Wolken über ihrem Privatleben auf.
Die autobiographische Geschichte der Bestseller-Autorin Jacqueline Susann, die in den 60er Jahren mit dem Showbiz-Enthüllungsroman "Das Tal der Puppen" für Furore sorgte.
An unsuccessful over-the-top actress becomes a successful over-the-top authoress in this biography of Jacqueline Susann, the famed writer of "The Valley Of The Dolls" and other trashy novels. Facing a failing career, Susann meets a successful promoter who becomes her husband. After several failures to place her in commercials and a TV quiz show, he hits upon the idea for her to become a writer. In the pre-60's, her books were looked upon as trash and non-printable. But then the sexual revolution hit and an audience was born for her books. The story shows the hidden behind the scenes story of Susan's life, including her autistic son and her continuing bout with cancer that she hid up to her death
An unsuccessful over-the-top actress becomes a successful over-the-top authoress in this biography of Jacqueline Susann, the famed writer of "The Valley Of The Dolls" and other trashy novels. Facing a failing career, Susann meets a successful promoter who becomes her husband. After several failures to place her in commercials and a TV quiz show, he hits upon the idea for her to become a writer. In the pre-60's, her books were looked upon as trash and non-printable. But then the sexual revolution hit and an audience was born for her books. The story shows the hidden behind the scenes story of Susan's life, including her autistic son and her continuing bout with cancer that she hid up to her death