Izzy gegen die Weihnachtsräuber
Michael KampaSchauspieler:
Lexi Giovagnoli, Denise Richards, Katrina Begin, Ali Daniels, Sean O'Bryan, Danny Glover, Cameron SeelyAm Vorabend der Weihnachtsferien bleibt die neunjährige Izzy allein in ihrer Schule zurück, nachdem ihre viel beschäftigten Eltern sie dort vergessen haben. Während vor der Tür ein gewaltiger Schneesturm tobt, ist Izzy in der Schule gefangen, als drei Räuber in das Gebäude eindringen. Izzy muss ihren ganzen Mut zusammennehmen, um den Bösewichten eine Falle zu stellen und das Weihnachtsfest zu retten.
Izzy is an energetic 9-year-old. Overscheduled and running late, Izzy's parents can't pick her up on-time the last day of school before Christmas break. A blizzard complicates the matter, but not as much as a pair of bad guys who are freezing in an ice cream truck. The school's janitor is kidnapped by the intruders, and it's up to Izzy to save the day.
Izzy is an energetic 9-year-old. Overscheduled and running late, Izzy's parents can't pick her up on-time the last day of school before Christmas break. A blizzard complicates the matter, but not as much as a pair of bad guys who are freezing in an ice cream truck. The school's janitor is kidnapped by the intruders, and it's up to Izzy to save the day.