Mabrouk El MechriSchauspieler:
Jean-Claude Van Damme, François Damiens, Jacky Lambert, Valérie Bodson, Hervé Sogne, Rock Chen, Huifang Wang, John Flanders, Renata Kamara, Mourade Zeguendi, Vincent Lecuyer, Jenny De Chez, Patrick Steltzer, Bernard Eylenbosch, Pascal LefebvreDer belgische Filmschauspieler Jean-Claude Van Damme steckt mitten in einer kreativen, finanziellen und privaten Lebenskrise, als er beim Besuch eines Geldinstitutes in seiner Heimatstadt zufällig in einen justament abrollenden Banküberfall gerät. Die sozial schwachen und nicht besonders klugen Täter freuen sich über die prominente Geisel, während durch eine Verkettung unglücklicher Umstände draußen vor der Tür der Eindruck entsteht, als sei Van Damme selbst an dem Überfall beteiligt.
Between his tax problems and his legal battle with his wife for the custody of his daughter, these are hard times for the action movie star who finds that even Steven Seagal has pinched a role from him! In JCVD, Jean-Claude Van Damme returns to the country of his birth to seek the peace and tranquility he can no longer enjoy in the United States.
Between his tax problems and his legal battle with his wife for the custody of his daughter, these are hard times for the action movie star who finds that even Steven Seagal has pinched a role from him! In JCVD, Jean-Claude Van Damme returns to the country of his birth to seek the peace and tranquility he can no longer enjoy in the United States.