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Patrick Read JohnsonSchauspieler:
Joe Mantegna, Lara Flynn Boyle, Joe Pantoliano, Brian Haley, Cynthia Nixon, John Neville, William Holmes, Anna LevineSocietydame Lorraine Cottwell organisiert für ihren heißgeliebten Sprößling Bink einen Fototermin, damit sein Konterfei endlich in den entsprechenden Gazetten auftaucht. Die engagierten Fotografen erweisen sich jedoch als Kriminelle, die das Baby entführen und ein saftiges Lösegeld fordern. Aber Bink ist schwerer zu hüten als der sprichwörtliche Sack Flöhe. Im Verlauf seiner Odyssee durch Chicago wartet so mancher Alptraum auf die Kidnapper.
Baby Bink couldn't ask for more; he has adoring (if somewhat sickly-sweet) parents, he lives in a huge mansion, and he's just about to appear in the social pages of the paper. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is as nice as Baby Bink's parents; especially the three enterprising kidnapers who pretend to be photographers from the newspaper. Successfully kidnaping Baby Bink, they have a harder time keeping hold of the rascal, who not only keeps one step ahead of them, but seems to be more than a little bit smarter than the three bumbling criminals.
Baby Bink couldn't ask for more; he has adoring (if somewhat sickly-sweet) parents, he lives in a huge mansion, and he's just about to appear in the social pages of the paper. Unfortunately, not everyone in the world is as nice as Baby Bink's parents; especially the three enterprising kidnapers who pretend to be photographers from the newspaper. Successfully kidnaping Baby Bink, they have a harder time keeping hold of the rascal, who not only keeps one step ahead of them, but seems to be more than a little bit smarter than the three bumbling criminals.