Kann denn Liebe Sünde sein?
Sophie Allet-CocheSchauspieler:
Stephan Luca, Stefanie Stappenbeck, Michael Brandner, Emil ReinkeMaria braucht Sex – wie andere die Luft zum Atmen. Dank ihrer Attraktivität findet sich auch stets ein bereitwilliger Bettgespiele. Auch Marias 17-jähriger Sohn Laurin ist das Ergebnis eines One-Night-Stands – und doch ist er der ganze Stolz seiner Mutter. Allerdings ist Laurin von deren Eskapaden wenig begeistert. Schlimmer noch: Der strenggläubige Junge hält seine Mutter für die wandelnde Todsünde, was ihm bei seinem Plan, den neuen Pfarrer zu vertreiben, aber gerade recht ist.
Maria needs sex like others need air to breathe. Thanks to their attractiveness , there is always a willing bed play. Maria's 17 -year-old son Laurin is also the result of a one-night stand - and yet he is his mother's pride . However , Laurin is one of theirsEscapades unenthusiastic . Worse still, the devout boy thinks his mother is the walking mortal sin , which is just fine with his plan to evict the new pastor .
Maria needs sex like others need air to breathe. Thanks to their attractiveness , there is always a willing bed play. Maria's 17 -year-old son Laurin is also the result of a one-night stand - and yet he is his mother's pride . However , Laurin is one of theirsEscapades unenthusiastic . Worse still, the devout boy thinks his mother is the walking mortal sin , which is just fine with his plan to evict the new pastor .