David StevensSchauspieler:
Matt Dillon, Andrew McCarthy, Leslie Hope, Andy Romano, Brent Jennings, Brynn Thayer, Kyra Sedgwick, Robert Peters, Holmes Osborne, Alan Toy, Harry Northup, Clint Allen, Arlen Dean Snyder, Jim Lovelett, Louis Giambalvo, Craig BentonDie beiden Güterzugreisenden Wade und Doyle machen gemeinsam Halt in einer Kleinstadt in Kansas. Dort verwickelt der Kleinganove Doyle seinen neuen Kumpel in einen Banküberfall. Auf der Flucht trennen sich die Wege der beiden, Wade rettet "en passant" die Tochter des Gouverneurs vor dem Ertrinken und entkommt unerkannt. Die hübsche Gutsbesitzerstochter Lori verschafft ihm einen Job auf der Farm ihres Vaters. Wade verliebt sich, vergißt das versteckte Diebesgut, bis er eines Tages Doyle wiederbegegnet. Seine Liebe zu Lori hält den nun als Retter in der Not wiedererkannten Wade, der sich im Streit ein letztes Mal von Doyle trennt. Dieser wird indessen mit der kompletten Beute ertappt und stirbt auf der Flucht.
Spannendes Outlaw-Drama mit Matt Dillon als "Rebel without a Cause" und Andrew McCarthy als netter Junge von nebenan an der Schwelle zur Kriminalität.
A drifter becomes both a bank robber and a hero in this crime thriller. Andrew McCarthy stars as Wade Corey, who hitches a ride on a freight train already occupied by Doyle Kennedy (Matt Dillon), a charming ex-con who convinces Wade to accompany him to his hometown. Once there, Wade realizes too late that Doyle is intent on robbing the local bank. After they are separated following the crime, Wade hides the money. Happening upon a drowning in progress, he saves a young girl who just happens to be the daughter of the state governor, and he becomes an unlikely hero. Finding work at a nearby farm, the meandering Wade becomes a hired hand, falls for the beautiful daughter (Leslie Hope) of his boss, and dreads the return of Doyle, who is sure to come looking for his money.
A drifter becomes both a bank robber and a hero in this crime thriller. Andrew McCarthy stars as Wade Corey, who hitches a ride on a freight train already occupied by Doyle Kennedy (Matt Dillon), a charming ex-con who convinces Wade to accompany him to his hometown. Once there, Wade realizes too late that Doyle is intent on robbing the local bank. After they are separated following the crime, Wade hides the money. Happening upon a drowning in progress, he saves a young girl who just happens to be the daughter of the state governor, and he becomes an unlikely hero. Finding work at a nearby farm, the meandering Wade becomes a hired hand, falls for the beautiful daughter (Leslie Hope) of his boss, and dreads the return of Doyle, who is sure to come looking for his money.