Komodo - Die Dracheninsel
Michael LantieriSchauspieler:
Jill Hennessy, Billy Burke, Kevin Zegers, Paul Gleeson, Nina Landis, Michael Edward-Stevens, Simon Westaway, Bruce Hughes, Jane Conroy, Melissa Jaffer, Brian McDermott, Nique NeedlesIm Alter von sieben Jahren verlor der junge Tim auf der heimatlichen Südseeinsel bei einem Angriff hungriger Riesenwarane seine Eltern. Dank eines zünftigen Traumas hat er jede Erinnerungen an diesen Vorfall verloren und plant nun mit seinem Psychiater eine Rückkehr an die Stätte seiner Kindheit aus Therapiegründen. Vor Ort sind die Warane inzwischen noch ein wenig gewachsen und nehmen sich mit gewohntem Elan der kleinen Reisegruppe an. Wachtruppen einer ebenfalls auf der Insel ihr Unwesen treibende Ölbohrgesellschaft vervollständigen das Chaos.
During the 70's, some Komodo Dragon eggs were dumped on an North Carolina island. Somehow, the baby Komodos survived, and twenty years later they have grown up and taken over the island for themselves. Young Patrick has lost his parents and his dog to the lizards, but didn't see them himself, which has left him traumatized. Now, with his therapist Victoria, they return to confront his fears.
During the 70's, some Komodo Dragon eggs were dumped on an North Carolina island. Somehow, the baby Komodos survived, and twenty years later they have grown up and taken over the island for themselves. Young Patrick has lost his parents and his dog to the lizards, but didn't see them himself, which has left him traumatized. Now, with his therapist Victoria, they return to confront his fears.