Jérôme SalleSchauspieler:
Gilles Lellouche, Joanna Kulig, Mikhail Gorevoy, Sasha Piltsin, Mikhail Safronov, Aleksey Gorbunov, Igor Jijikine, Elisa Lasowski, Danila Vorobyev, Judith Henry, Pierre Hancisse, Marius Repšys, Olivia Malahieude, Marius Čižauskas, Tanel Jonas, Larisa KalpokaitėSibirien, 2017: Der französische Diplomat Mathieu wird Opfer einer Intrige des russischen Geheimdienstes. Vor den Augen seiner Tochter wird er verhaftet, inhaftiert und isoliert. Ohne Chance auf Verteidigung oder Hilfe von der eigenen Regierung bleibt dem Staatsfeind nur ein Ausweg, wenn er seine Familie je wiedersehen will: die abenteuerliche Flucht auf eigene Faust durch ein fremdes und feindseliges Land.
Mathieu, a member of the French institute in Irkutsk, is arrested overnight by the Russian authorities. Imprisoned and accused of sexual abuse on his own daughter, he realises he is a victim of a Kompromat. With the help of the FSB, someone has built up a case to frame him. Isolated, he has no one to turn to. Proving his innocence is impossible: the only solution is to escape.
Mathieu, a member of the French institute in Irkutsk, is arrested overnight by the Russian authorities. Imprisoned and accused of sexual abuse on his own daughter, he realises he is a victim of a Kompromat. With the help of the FSB, someone has built up a case to frame him. Isolated, he has no one to turn to. Proving his innocence is impossible: the only solution is to escape.