Kosmetik des Bösen
Kike MaílloSchauspieler:
Tomasz Kot, Athena Strates, Marta Nieto, Dominique Pinon, George Strassburg, Janosh Hetzel, Stefanie Früchtenicht, Freyja SimpsonStar-Architekt Jeremiasz Angust wird in Paris von einer jungen Frau gebeten, mit ihr im strömenden Regen das Taxi zum Flughafen zu teilen. Daraufhin verpasst Angust seine Maschine und landet mit der jungen Frau, die sich als Texel Textor vorstellt, an der Flughafenbar. Es entspinnt sich eine Unterhaltung über Erinnerungen, Geheimnisse und Lebenslügen. Doch die entspannte Unterhaltung kippt. Der Star-Architekt findet sich gefangen in einem fatalen Katz-und-Maus-Spiel, das seine perfekte Welt aus den Angeln heben könnte.
Psychothriller um einen Architekten, der auf dem Weg zum Flughafen eine geheimnisvolle junge Frau trifft.
Successful architect Jeremy Angust is approached on his trip to the Tokyo International Airport by a chatty girl called Texel Textor. She is a strange young woman who seems to be looking for captive victims whom she forces to listen to her strange stories. Jeremy loses the flight because of Texel and once they are installed in the lounge area, he will not be able to get rid of the annoying stranger. Although the meeting seems fortuitous, soon there be a turn that will transform the character of that encounter into something much more sinister and criminal.
Successful architect Jeremy Angust is approached on his trip to the Tokyo International Airport by a chatty girl called Texel Textor. She is a strange young woman who seems to be looking for captive victims whom she forces to listen to her strange stories. Jeremy loses the flight because of Texel and once they are installed in the lounge area, he will not be able to get rid of the annoying stranger. Although the meeting seems fortuitous, soon there be a turn that will transform the character of that encounter into something much more sinister and criminal.