Lagaan - Es war einmal in Indien
Ashutosh GowarikerSchauspieler:
Aamir Khan, Gracy Singh, Rachel Shelley, Paul Blackthorne, Kulbhushan Kharbanda, Rajendranath Zutshi, Rajesh Vivek, Yashpal Sharma, Amin Hajee, Aditya Lakhia, Akhilendra Mishra, Rajendra Gupta, Shri Vallabh Vyas, Raghuvir Yadav, Javed Khan, A.K. HangalIndien 1893, zur Zeit der britischen Kolonialherrschaft. Die Bauern des Landes leiden unter der schlechten Ernte. Trotzdem wollen die Briten die hohen Steuern weiter erhöhen. Als sich Widerstand unter den Einheimischen regt, verfallen die Briten auf eine böse Idee: Ob die Inder zahlen müssen oder nicht, soll ein Cricketspiel entscheiden. Der Ausgang scheint gewiss, da die Inder den Sport nicht beherrschen. In einem nervenaufreibenden Kampf entscheiden die Inder das Spiel in letzter Minute für sich.
Das vierstündige Bollywood-Abenteuerepos wurde für die internationale Auswertung gedreht, ist aber nicht nur der Länge wegen ein typisches Produkt des Landes mit schwungvoll ausufernden Gesangs-und Tanzeinlagen.
Lagaan tells the tale of the Indian village Champaner, beset by drought and British colonialism in the year 1893. Without a drop of rain in months, the worried villagers of Champaner decide to ask the local authorities for a temporary repeal of their taxes -- the hated lagaan. Led by the heroic Bhuvan (Indian superstar Aamir Khan) they bring their plight to the military governor, Captain Russell (Paul Blackthorne). But the sadistic Russell threatens to raise the lagaan threefold, unless the villagers can beat his men at a game of cricket, in which case he'll lift taxes on the entire province for a period of three years. Bhuvan accepts the challenge, but there's a problem -- no one in Champaner knows how to play cricket. A band of misfits come to the rescue, coached by Russell's soft-hearted sister Elizabeth (Rachel Shelley), and the race is on to be ready in three months' time. An epic reworking of Victory with eye-popping song-and-dance routines.
Lagaan tells the tale of the Indian village Champaner, beset by drought and British colonialism in the year 1893. Without a drop of rain in months, the worried villagers of Champaner decide to ask the local authorities for a temporary repeal of their taxes -- the hated lagaan. Led by the heroic Bhuvan (Indian superstar Aamir Khan) they bring their plight to the military governor, Captain Russell (Paul Blackthorne). But the sadistic Russell threatens to raise the lagaan threefold, unless the villagers can beat his men at a game of cricket, in which case he'll lift taxes on the entire province for a period of three years. Bhuvan accepts the challenge, but there's a problem -- no one in Champaner knows how to play cricket. A band of misfits come to the rescue, coached by Russell's soft-hearted sister Elizabeth (Rachel Shelley), and the race is on to be ready in three months' time. An epic reworking of Victory with eye-popping song-and-dance routines.