IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.8 /10 (270)
Trailer: YouTube

Lion Strike - Die Faust des Löwen



Rick Jacobson, Joe Hart, Paul G. Volk


Don Wilson, Bobbie Phillips, Chris Nelson Norris, Timothy D. Baker, Robert Costanzo, Wally Rose, Michael Jai White, Morgan Hunter, Art Camacho, Marcus Aurelius, Natalie Barish, Cash Scot Casey, Carl Ciarfalio, Ancel Cook, Michael Delano, John Del Regno
Dr. Johnny Wu wird in die Machenschaften global operierender Waffenhändler verwickelt. Das Kartell, das von Gangstern aus aller Welt angeführt wird, findet aber heraus, dass Johnny über wertvolle Informationen auf einer Computer-Diskette gestolpert ist. Louie und sein russischer Ganovenkumpel Vladimir setzen alles daran, Johnny zu fangen und die Disk zu bekommen.

Dr. Johnny Woo becomes involved in a global Mafia arms cartel when they kidnap his son Bobby. The cartel, made-up of underworld leaders from around the world, become aware that he stumbled onto valuable information on a computer disk he possesses. Louie and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Kruskev use every bit of their cunning to trap Johnny and retrieve the disk.
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    Mirror 1 | 11.08.2019 - Lion.Strike.Die.Faust.des.Lowen.UNCUT.German.1994.DVDRiP.x264.iNTERNAL-CiA

    Summary & Details

    Dr. Johnny Wu wird in die Machenschaften global operierender Waffenhändler verwickelt. Das Kartell, das von Gangstern aus aller Welt angeführt wird, findet aber heraus, dass Johnny über wertvolle Informationen auf einer Computer-Diskette gestolpert ist. Louie und sein russischer Ganovenkumpel Vladimir setzen alles daran, Johnny zu fangen und die Disk zu bekommen.

    Dr. Johnny Woo becomes involved in a global Mafia arms cartel when they kidnap his son Bobby. The cartel, made-up of underworld leaders from around the world, become aware that he stumbled onto valuable information on a computer disk he possesses. Louie and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Kruskev use every bit of their cunning to trap Johnny and retrieve the disk.

    Also Known As:

    Ring of Fire III: Lion Strike


    ~90 Min.

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    Joseph John Barmettler, Art Camacho (story), Joe Hart (additional dialogue), Don Wilson (story)


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts