IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.2 /10 (295)
Trailer: YouTube

Lost Town Duell der Schwertkämpfer



Ping He


Haiying Sun, Gang Wang, Wei Gao, Mana Zhao, Jiang Chang
Die "Stadt der zwei Flaggen" ist eine einsam gelegene Festung in der Wüste. Ihre Bewohner werden von zwei Brüdern, die für ihre Kung-Fu-Künste berühmt sind, terrorisiert. Erst als die beiden Despoten die Verlobte des 16jährigen Hai Ge entführen, wird ihnen die Stirn geboten. Der junge Schwertkämpfer soll auf Geheiß seines Vaters seine Feinde besiegen...

A young man comes to double flag town in order to marry his promised bride. Both his bride and her father do not like him, because he seems to be a nothing without any skills just wearing two swords on his legs. When some vagabonds try to rape his bride, the young man is able to beat them easily in a sword fight. He suddenly realizes in this first fight he ever did that his father did teach him a superior fighting style. Will those talents be enough for the upcoming? All inhabitants of double flag town expect a bloody revenge by the vagabonds.
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    Mirror 1 | 03.09.2022 -

    Summary & Details

    Die "Stadt der zwei Flaggen" ist eine einsam gelegene Festung in der Wüste. Ihre Bewohner werden von zwei Brüdern, die für ihre Kung-Fu-Künste berühmt sind, terrorisiert. Erst als die beiden Despoten die Verlobte des 16jährigen Hai Ge entführen, wird ihnen die Stirn geboten. Der junge Schwertkämpfer soll auf Geheiß seines Vaters seine Feinde besiegen...

    A young man comes to double flag town in order to marry his promised bride. Both his bride and her father do not like him, because he seems to be a nothing without any skills just wearing two swords on his legs. When some vagabonds try to rape his bride, the young man is able to beat them easily in a sword fight. He suddenly realizes in this first fight he ever did that his father did teach him a superior fighting style. Will those talents be enough for the upcoming? All inhabitants of double flag town expect a bloody revenge by the vagabonds.

    Also Known As:

    Shuan-qi-zhen daoke


    ~91 Min.

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    Ping He, Zhengguang Yang


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts