Love's Abiding Joy
Michael Landon Jr.Schauspieler:
Erin Cottrell, Logan Bartholomew, William Morgan Sheppard, James Tupper, Irene BedardMissie und Willie LaHaye sind gen Westen gezogen, haben eine Familie und eine kleine Farm gegründet und bekommen nun Besuch von Missies Vater Clark aus dem Osten. Der muss entsetzt miterleben, wie eines morgens Missies Tochter tot in der Wiege liegt. Darüber aufs äußerste niedergeschlagen, mag Missie nicht mehr unterrichten, was Willie seinerseits zwingt, das Angebot des zwielichtigen Ranchers Doros anzunehmen und den Posten als Sheriff anzutreten. Doros Tochter verliebt sich derweil in den Adoptivsohn der La Hayes.
Im Sequel zu "Love's Long Journey" und vierten Teil der bisher siebenteiligen Spielfilmserie nach den gleichnamigen Romanen von Janette Oke zürnt Hauptdarstellerin Erin Cottrell entgegen sonstiger Gepflogenheiten dem lieben Gott, dieweil ihr vergleichsweise jugendlich wirkender Gatte mal wieder mit Problemen konfrontiert wird, die zum Glück auch durch Schusswaffengebrauch lösbar sind. Regie führt Michael Landon jr, seines Zeichens Sohn von Little Joe aus "Bonanza". Romantiker und Westernfreunde dürfen sich angesprochen fühlen.
The continued Westward journey of settlers Missie and Willie Lahaye. Their roots now firmly planted as they set up homestead in the far West, Missie begins to realize her passion for teaching as Willie cares for the couple's young daughter Kathy while expanding the family ranch with a little help from sons Jeff and Matthew. When the frontier railroad comes to town, the pleasure of a long-promised visit from Missie's father Clark is suddenly offset by the tragic death of young Kathy. As the untimely demise of their beloved daughter begins to drive an emotional wedge between Missie and Willie, the devastated father unexpectedly accepts an offer made by the powerful Samuel Doros to assume the role of town sheriff. Their faith shaken and their once close-knit bond suddenly torn asunder, Missie and Willie desperately attempt to bring their crumbling family back together as son Jeff faces a series of dangers while hopelessly falling for Doros' beautiful daughter Colette.
The continued Westward journey of settlers Missie and Willie Lahaye. Their roots now firmly planted as they set up homestead in the far West, Missie begins to realize her passion for teaching as Willie cares for the couple's young daughter Kathy while expanding the family ranch with a little help from sons Jeff and Matthew. When the frontier railroad comes to town, the pleasure of a long-promised visit from Missie's father Clark is suddenly offset by the tragic death of young Kathy. As the untimely demise of their beloved daughter begins to drive an emotional wedge between Missie and Willie, the devastated father unexpectedly accepts an offer made by the powerful Samuel Doros to assume the role of town sheriff. Their faith shaken and their once close-knit bond suddenly torn asunder, Missie and Willie desperately attempt to bring their crumbling family back together as son Jeff faces a series of dangers while hopelessly falling for Doros' beautiful daughter Colette.