Maiden Voyage - Jungfernfahrt in den Tod
Colin BuddsSchauspieler:
Casper Van Dien, Danielle Cormack, Rose McIver, John Sumner, Anton Tennet, Christopher Stollery, Angela Marie Dotchin, Peter Elliott, Paul Gittens, Craig Walsh-Wrightson, Bruce Burfield, Michael Hallows, Paul Glover, Thomas Kiwi, Blair Strang, Kelson HendersonNach dem letzten Einsatz empfiehlt der Chef vom Sicherheitsdienst seinem besten Mann, dem Ex-Cop Kyle, einen Urlaub und legt auch gleich die Tickets bereit für eine Pazifikkreuzfahrt unter Teilnahme von Kyles vernachlässigtem Sohn. Doch kann der Beste nicht in Frieden entspannen, wenn sich der Raubterrorismus in Gestalt eines Fernsehteams an Bord schleicht und mit dem betrügerischen Reederpärchen gemeinsame Sache macht. Doch haben die bösen Buben und Mädchen nicht mit Kyle gerechnet.
A former firefighter and Special Forces officer takes on a team of murderous terrorists when the oceanliner he's working on is hijacked shortly after leaving port. Hired to evaluate security on a luxury cruise ship, blaze battler and former military man Kyle Considine (Casper Van Dien) brings his young son Zach along for a week of fun at sea. The fun stops, however, when the ship sets sail and a highly organized team of terrorists threaten the lives of everyone onboard.
A former firefighter and Special Forces officer takes on a team of murderous terrorists when the oceanliner he's working on is hijacked shortly after leaving port. Hired to evaluate security on a luxury cruise ship, blaze battler and former military man Kyle Considine (Casper Van Dien) brings his young son Zach along for a week of fun at sea. The fun stops, however, when the ship sets sail and a highly organized team of terrorists threaten the lives of everyone onboard.