Malombra - Perversionen einer Toten
Bruno GaburroSchauspieler:
Paola Senatore, Maurice Poli, Gino Milli, Stefano Alessandrini, Scilla Jacu, Ludovico Flores, Gloria BriniDie Schwägerin seines Onkels ist die einzige andere Person, die dort lebt. Marco zelbriert Rituale der Selbstbefriedigung, die jeden Abend von einer rothaarigenFrau durchgeführt werden, die wie seine tote Tante aussieht! Marc obeginnt sich zu fragen, ob die Frau tatsächlich die Schwägerin ist, die sich wie ihre tote Schwester kleidet, oder doch die tote Tante, die den Ort heimsucht. Doch das Geheimnis ist viel schlimmer als angenommen.
Gotic und erotischer Mystery-Thriller über einen jungen Mann namens Marco, der geht, um bei seinem seltsamen Onkel zu bleiben, dessen Frau (Marcos schöne Tante) vor einiger Zeit verstarb.
Gothic and erotic mystery about a young man called Marco, who goes to stay with his strange uncle, whose wife (Marco's beautiful aunt) died some time ago. His uncle's sister-in-law is the only other person living there. Marco spies on rituals of self-gratification performed every night by a red-headed woman who looks just like his dead aunt! Marco begins to wonder if the woman is actually the sister-in-law made up to look like her dead sister, or the dead aunt haunting the place
Gothic and erotic mystery about a young man called Marco, who goes to stay with his strange uncle, whose wife (Marco's beautiful aunt) died some time ago. His uncle's sister-in-law is the only other person living there. Marco spies on rituals of self-gratification performed every night by a red-headed woman who looks just like his dead aunt! Marco begins to wonder if the woman is actually the sister-in-law made up to look like her dead sister, or the dead aunt haunting the place