Man muss mich nicht lieben
Stéphane BrizéSchauspieler:
Patrick Chesnais, Lionel Abelanski, Geneviève Mnich, Olivier Claverie, Anne Benoît, Stéphan Wojtowicz, Hélène Alexandridis, Anne Consigny, Georges Wilson, Cyril Couton, Marie-Sohna Conde, Isabelle Brochard, Pedro Lombardi, Pascal Praud, Géraldine RojasDer Gerichtsvollzieher Jean-Claude hat sich aus dem gesellschaftlichen Leben schon weitgehend verabschiedet, als ihm sein Arzt zu mehr Bewegung rät. Er entscheidet sich für die Teilnahme an einem Tangokurs in der Tanzschule gegenüber seiner Wohnung. Die Musik und vor allem die Bekanntschaft mit der charmanten Francoise geben ihm neuen Schwung, Jean-Claude beginnt regelrecht aufzublühen. Bis er erfährt, dass Francoise kurz vor der Hochzeit mit einem schnöseligen Schriftsteller steht.
Es ist mal wieder der Tango, der das in Routine erstickte Leben eines Langweilers durchwirbelt und der Seele eine erotische Frischzellenkur verpasst.
The fifty years old Jean-Claude has a boring life, working in a notary office of his own and as court official evicting tenants or seizing properties, or spending the Sundays afternoons in the retirement home with his sour, rude and bitter father. When he has a minor heart problem, his doctor advises him to exercise, and Jean-Claude begins to have tango lessons in a studio in front of his office. He meets the charming forty and something years old Françoise, who is also having classes for her wedding party, and she recalls she was her neighbor in her childhood. They become close and love flourishes between them, changing their lives.
The fifty years old Jean-Claude has a boring life, working in a notary office of his own and as court official evicting tenants or seizing properties, or spending the Sundays afternoons in the retirement home with his sour, rude and bitter father. When he has a minor heart problem, his doctor advises him to exercise, and Jean-Claude begins to have tango lessons in a studio in front of his office. He meets the charming forty and something years old Françoise, who is also having classes for her wedding party, and she recalls she was her neighbor in her childhood. They become close and love flourishes between them, changing their lives.