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Olaf KreinsenSchauspieler:
Johanna-Christine Gehlen, Martin Lüttge, Hans-Peter Korff, Stefanie Mühlhan, Hans Jürgen Alf, Pierre Besson, Dorit Gäbler, Ludwig Haas, Ramona Kunze-Libnow, Steffen Scheumann, Daniel Morgenroth, Brigitte Janner, Marlen Breitinger, Detlef Kapplusch, Franziska Kleinert, Manfred RichterDie junge, erfolgreiche Justiziarin Lena Seidel reist im Auftrag des Bundesverkehrsministeriums in das kleine Winzerstädtchen Hilleritz. Dort soll sie die widerspenstigen Dorfbewohner vom Bau einer Autobahnanbindung überzeugen. Kaum ist Lena in Hilleritz angekommen, setzt der gewiefte Gemeinderatsvorsteher Vogt seinen charmanten Sohn Steffen auf sie an: Er soll der "Städterin" gehörig den Kopf verdrehen, damit sie ihren ursprünglichen Reisegrund aus den Augen verliert. Als die beiden sich jedoch wirklich ineinander verlieben, gehen die Verwicklungen erst richtig los.
The young, successful lawyer Lena Seidel travels to the small winegrowing town of Hilleritz on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport. There she is to convince the unruly villagers of the construction of a highway connection. Hardly Lena has arrived in Hilleritz, the canny head of the county Vogt puts his charming son Steffen on her: He should turn the "city lady" dubiously in the head, so they lose their original travel reason out of sight. However, when the two really fall in love with each other, the complications really start.
The young, successful lawyer Lena Seidel travels to the small winegrowing town of Hilleritz on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Transport. There she is to convince the unruly villagers of the construction of a highway connection. Hardly Lena has arrived in Hilleritz, the canny head of the county Vogt puts his charming son Steffen on her: He should turn the "city lady" dubiously in the head, so they lose their original travel reason out of sight. However, when the two really fall in love with each other, the complications really start.