Messengers 2: The Scarecrow
Martin BarnewitzSchauspieler:
Norman Reedus, Heather Stephens, Claire Holt, Richard Riehle, Darcy Fowers, Matthew McNulty, Laurence Belcher, Vladimir Yossifov, Todd Jensen, Michael McCoy, Kalina Green, Erbi AgoSo gut es der brave amerikanische Maisfarmer John Rollins getroffen hat mit einer reizenden Frau und zwei wohlgeratenen Kindern, so hart schlägt ihn das Schicksal, wenn es um sein Auskommen geht. Genau letzteres scheint sich nun zu ändern, als Rollins in der Scheune eine bizarre alte Vogelscheuche entdeckt und ins Feld vor seiner Tür verpflanzt. Die Krähen sterben wie vom Schlag getroffen, schöne Frauen machen ihm schöne Augen, und der Mann mit den Schuldscheinen stirbt einen unnatürlichen Tod. Doch was ist der Preis für das plötzliche Glück.
Eine Vogelscheuche stiftet Mord und Totschlag in einem routinierten Hinterwaldhorrorfilm, der offiziell ein Prequel sei zu "The Messengers" von 2007, in Wahrheit aber wohl jene Version der Geschichte darstellt, die dem Drehbuchautor und hiesigen Regisseur Todd Farmer schon vorschwebte, bevor die Gebrüder Danny und Oxide Pang kamen und sie umschrieben. Norman Reedus von den "Boondock Saints" verkörpert glaubwürdig den verzweifelten Farmer, und nach einer relativ stimmungsvollen ersten Halbzeit nimmt der übliche Kampf Mensch gegen Monster seinen bewegten Lauf.
The family man farmer John Rollins is stressed with his financial situation: the crows and the lack of irrigation are destroying his crop of corn; the bank is near closure of his mortgage; he does not have credit to fix the water pump or to buy seeds; and his marriage is in crisis and his wife Mary is giving too much attention to her friend Tommy. When John accidentally discovers a hidden compartment in the barn, he finds a creepy scarecrow but his son Michael makes him promise to destroy it. However, his neighbor Jude Weatherby visits him, gives a six-pack of beer to the abstemious John and convinces him to put the scarecrow in the cornfield. Out of the blue, the life of John changes: the crows die; the pump works again irrigating the land; and the banker responsible for the closure has an accident and dies. However, he feels that his land is possessed by something evil that is threatening his beloved family.
The family man farmer John Rollins is stressed with his financial situation: the crows and the lack of irrigation are destroying his crop of corn; the bank is near closure of his mortgage; he does not have credit to fix the water pump or to buy seeds; and his marriage is in crisis and his wife Mary is giving too much attention to her friend Tommy. When John accidentally discovers a hidden compartment in the barn, he finds a creepy scarecrow but his son Michael makes him promise to destroy it. However, his neighbor Jude Weatherby visits him, gives a six-pack of beer to the abstemious John and convinces him to put the scarecrow in the cornfield. Out of the blue, the life of John changes: the crows die; the pump works again irrigating the land; and the banker responsible for the closure has an accident and dies. However, he feels that his land is possessed by something evil that is threatening his beloved family.