Mortal Kombat 2 - Annihilation
John R. LeonettiSchauspieler:
James Remar, Brian Thompson, Robin Shou, Talisa Soto, Musetta Vander, Marjean Holden, Reiner Schöne, Chris Conrad, J.J. Perry, Sandra Hess, Lynn 'Red' Williams, Irina Pantaeva, Deron McBee, Litefoot, John MedlenLiu Kang, Sonya Blade und Johnny Cage, die furchtlosen Kämpfer von Lord Raiden und Prinzessin Kitana, haben in der letzten Schlacht, genannt MORTAL KOMBAT, die Kriegsfürsten der Außenwelt besiegt und die Erde vor der Zerstörung gerettet. Doch die vermeintliche Rettung ist nur von kurzer Dauer. Die Tore zur Außenwelt brechen wieder auf, und der gefürchtete Herrscher der Finsternis, Shao Khan und seine furchterregenden Kampfgenossen Cyrax, der raketenwerfende Cyber-Ninja, Sheeva, die vierarmige Kampfmaschine, und Sindel, die furchterregende Verkörperung des Todes, wollen sich die Erde einverleiben. Bleiben die Tore sieben Tage geöffnet, ist die Welt, so wie wir sie kennen, vernichtet - es bleiben also nurmehr sechs Tage, um die Erde zu retten...
Mortal Kombat is an ancient tournament where the Earth Realm warriors battle against the forces of Outworld. Liu Kang and a few chosen fighters fought and defeated the powerful sorcerer Shang Tsung, their victory would preserve the peace on Earth for one more generation. Taking place now where the first movie left off, the Earth realm warriors live a short period of peace when evil forces from another dimension come to invade and wreak havoc on Earth. They are guided by the forces of Outworld leader, Shao Kahn and his generals such as: Motaro, Rain, Ermac, Sheeva and Sindel. Now Liu Kang, Raiden, Jax, Sonya and Kitana must defeat Shao Kahn in six days before the Earth realm merges with the Outworld.
Mortal Kombat is an ancient tournament where the Earth Realm warriors battle against the forces of Outworld. Liu Kang and a few chosen fighters fought and defeated the powerful sorcerer Shang Tsung, their victory would preserve the peace on Earth for one more generation. Taking place now where the first movie left off, the Earth realm warriors live a short period of peace when evil forces from another dimension come to invade and wreak havoc on Earth. They are guided by the forces of Outworld leader, Shao Kahn and his generals such as: Motaro, Rain, Ermac, Sheeva and Sindel. Now Liu Kang, Raiden, Jax, Sonya and Kitana must defeat Shao Kahn in six days before the Earth realm merges with the Outworld.