No Blood No Surrender
Rudy DominguezSchauspieler:
Palito, Panchito, Max Alvarado, Michelle Aquino, Janice JuradoNach Kriegsende soll Sgt. Samson der Frau eines im Krieg gefallenen Freundes einen Brief überbringen. Doch schon kurz nachdem er in Santo Sepulco ankommt wird er zusammengeschlagen und aus der Stadt geworfen. Aber nichts hält ihn davon ab zurückzukehren. Von nun an wird er vom Bürgermeister, dem Polizeichef und seinen Männer verfolgt. Sein alter Soldateninstinkt erwacht wieder und ein Kampf um Leben und Tod beginnt.
After the war, Sgt Samson is to deliver a letter to the wife of a friend who died in the war. Shortly after he arrives in Santo Sepulco he is beaten and thrown out of town. From now on, he is pursued by the mayor and the police chief and his men. His old soldier instinct is awaken again and a fight to the death begins. - Written by Christian Rosén
After the war, Sgt Samson is to deliver a letter to the wife of a friend who died in the war. Shortly after he arrives in Santo Sepulco he is beaten and thrown out of town. From now on, he is pursued by the mayor and the police chief and his men. His old soldier instinct is awaken again and a fight to the death begins. - Written by Christian Rosén