On the Run
Eric ValetteSchauspieler:
Albert Dupontel, Alice Taglioni, Stéphane Debac, Sergi LópezDer sadistische Serienkiller Maurel versucht mit einem perfiden Trick, die Aufmerksamkeit der Ermittler auf seinen ehemaligen Mithäftling Franck zu lenken, der noch sechs Monate seiner Strafe verbüßen muss. Als Maurel auch noch Francks Familie bedroht, sieht dieser nur noch einen Ausweg: Er muss kurz vor seiner Entlassung aus dem Gefängnis fliehen und Maurel finden - koste es, was es wolle! Gejagt von der Polizei und getrieben von der Sorge um seine Familie kommt Franck dem Killer immer näher...
A robber escapes from prison with a single objective in mind: to track down his former cellmate, a serial killer who intends to pin his crimes on him. A cop is sent after the robber who, despite his best efforts, soon becomes Public Enemy Number One. As the protagonists are driven to their limits, it becomes increasingly unclear who is the hunter and who is the prey.
A robber escapes from prison with a single objective in mind: to track down his former cellmate, a serial killer who intends to pin his crimes on him. A cop is sent after the robber who, despite his best efforts, soon becomes Public Enemy Number One. As the protagonists are driven to their limits, it becomes increasingly unclear who is the hunter and who is the prey.