Ooru naito ronga 3: Sanji
Katsuya MatsumuraSchauspieler:
Ryôka Yuzuki, Yûjin Kitagawa, Tomorowo Taguchi, Meika SeriEin psychisch gestörter Schüler hat das Bedürfnis, Müll von anderen Leuten zu sammeln. Nacht für Nacht schleicht er in der Gegend rum, um volle Müllsäcke zu stehlen, um sie bei sich zu Hause zu sortieren.
Als er ein geschändetes Mädchen zu sich nach Hause nimmt, um sie zu foltern, eskaliert die Situation: Er richtet unter seinen Bekannten ein großes Gemetzel an.
The third and final chapter in the disturbing All Night Long series tells the tale of a teenager who becomes obsessed with his attractive neighbor a fellow student. His infatuation grows more and more disturbing as he begins going through her garbage eating her discarded food and eventually begins doing things in direct violation with the law.
The third and final chapter in the disturbing All Night Long series tells the tale of a teenager who becomes obsessed with his attractive neighbor a fellow student. His infatuation grows more and more disturbing as he begins going through her garbage eating her discarded food and eventually begins doing things in direct violation with the law.