IMDB Rating
Voting: 7.2 /10 (2.7k)
Trailer: YouTube

Out of the Blue



Robert Sarkies


Karl Urban, Matthew Sunderland, Lois Lawn, Simon Ferry
Neuseeländischer Thriller über den Amokläufer David Gray, der am 13. November 1990 in einer neuseeländischen Kleinstadt 13 Menschen erschoss - angeblich, weil die Nachbarskinder ihn auf seinem Grundstück belästigten.

Ordinary people find extraordinary courage in the face of madness. On 13-14 November 1990 that madness came to Aramoana, a small New Zealand seaside village. It came in the form of a lone gunman with a high-powered semi-automatic rifle. As he stalked his victims the terrified and confused residents were trapped in the village for 24 hours while a handful of under-resourced and underarmed local policeman risked their lives trying to find him and save the survivors. By dawn 13 people lay dead. This is a true story.
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    Mirror 1 | 09.11.2017 - Out.of.the.Blue.German.2006.DVDRiP.XviD-FmE

    Summary & Details

    Neuseeländischer Thriller über den Amokläufer David Gray, der am 13. November 1990 in einer neuseeländischen Kleinstadt 13 Menschen erschoss - angeblich, weil die Nachbarskinder ihn auf seinem Grundstück belästigten.

    Ordinary people find extraordinary courage in the face of madness. On 13-14 November 1990 that madness came to Aramoana, a small New Zealand seaside village. It came in the form of a lone gunman with a high-powered semi-automatic rifle. As he stalked his victims the terrified and confused residents were trapped in the village for 24 hours while a handful of under-resourced and underarmed local policeman risked their lives trying to find him and save the survivors. By dawn 13 people lay dead. This is a true story.

    Also Known As:

    Out of the Blue


    ~103 Min.

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    Robert Sarkies, Graeme Tetley


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts