Pakt der Rache
Roger DonaldsonSchauspieler:
Guy Pearce, January Jones, Xander Berkeley, Jennifer Carpenter, Nicolas Cage, Harold Perrineau, Marcus Lyle Brown, Wayne Pére, Irone Singleton, Dikran Tulaine, Joe Chrest, Demetrius Bridges, Jason Davis, Brett Gentile, Renwick D. Scott IIWill Gerards Ehefrau ist Opfer eines brutalen Gewaltverbrechens geworden. Als ihm ein geheimnisvoller Fremder am Telefon anbietet, die Täter ohne weitere Einmischung des wahrscheinlich ohnehin wehrlosen Rechtsstaats diskret zu liquidieren, hat der verzweifelte Englischlehrer nichts dagegen. Später, so wird ihm bedeutet, werde die Organisation dafür einen Gefallen von ihm verlangen. Nun muss Will selbst zum Mordgehilfen werden. Und obwohl es dabei angeblich "bloß" um einen Kinderschänder geht, fehlt ihm dazu jede Lust.
Nicolas Cage sieht erst rot und dann schwarz in diesem actiongeladenen Verschwörungsthriller, der zwar das Rad nicht neu erfindet und zuweilen auch keinen besonders glaubwürdigen Sinn macht, dafür aber auf 100 Minuten Laufzeit nicht eine davon langweilt und dem geneigten Fan gibt, wonach der Sinn ihm steht.
In New Orleans, English teacher of the high school Rampart High, Will Gerard, and his wife, musician Laura Gerard, are in love with each other. One night, Laura leaves a rehearsal and is assaulted, while Will is playing chess with his friend Jimmy. Will is visiting her in hospital when, out of the blue, a stranger named Simon tells him that he belongs to an organization of vigilantes and offers to eliminate the assailant. In return, the organisation would want a favor from Will in the future. Will agrees, and the criminal is murdered. Six months later, Simon collects his debt with Will. He demands that Will kill Alan Marsh, a pedophile. Will accidentally kills Alan and soon he learns that the victim was an awarded journalist that was investigating the organization. Now he seeks evidences to prove his innocence but the network of the organization is powerful and is seeking Will out to eliminate him.
In New Orleans, English teacher of the high school Rampart High, Will Gerard, and his wife, musician Laura Gerard, are in love with each other. One night, Laura leaves a rehearsal and is assaulted, while Will is playing chess with his friend Jimmy. Will is visiting her in hospital when, out of the blue, a stranger named Simon tells him that he belongs to an organization of vigilantes and offers to eliminate the assailant. In return, the organisation would want a favor from Will in the future. Will agrees, and the criminal is murdered. Six months later, Simon collects his debt with Will. He demands that Will kill Alan Marsh, a pedophile. Will accidentally kills Alan and soon he learns that the victim was an awarded journalist that was investigating the organization. Now he seeks evidences to prove his innocence but the network of the organization is powerful and is seeking Will out to eliminate him.