Queen of Spades - Der Fluch der Hexe
Seit Jahrhunderten erzählt man sich von einem uralten Ritual, nachdem ein ominöses Wesen names Pik- Dame gerufen werden kann. Dazu muss man ihren Namen drei Mal aufsagen und gleichzeitig im dunklen eine Tür mit Treppe auf einen Spiegel malen. Vier Teenager glauben nicht an den Fluch und probieren es aus. Doch nachdem einer aus der Gruppe an einem plötzlichen Herzanfall stirbt, merken sie schnell, dass sie etwas abgrundtief Böses und Gefährliches heraufbeschworen haben.
Russischer Horrorfilm nach einer bekannten Schauermär, der vergleichbarem US-Produkt kaum nachsteht.
There is an ancient ritual known to humankind for more than a hundred years...According to the legend, an ominous entity known as The Queen of Spades can be summoned by drawing a door and staircase on a mirror in the darkness, and by saying her name three times. The Queen of Spades gets her energy from reflective objects; she cuts locks of hair from those asleep, and those that see her go mad or die. Four teenagers decide to call The Queen of Spades as a joke. But when one of them dies of a sudden heart attack, the group realizes they are up against something inexplicable and deadly dangerous.
There is an ancient ritual known to humankind for more than a hundred years...According to the legend, an ominous entity known as The Queen of Spades can be summoned by drawing a door and staircase on a mirror in the darkness, and by saying her name three times. The Queen of Spades gets her energy from reflective objects; she cuts locks of hair from those asleep, and those that see her go mad or die. Four teenagers decide to call The Queen of Spades as a joke. But when one of them dies of a sudden heart attack, the group realizes they are up against something inexplicable and deadly dangerous.