Rendezvous mit einer Leiche
Michael WinnerSchauspieler:
Peter Ustinov, Lauren Bacall, Carrie Fisher, John Gielgud, Piper Laurie, Hayley Mills, Jenny Seagrove, David Soul, Nicholas Guest, Valerie Richards, John Terlesky, Amber Bezer, Douglas Sheldon, Michael Sarne, Michael Craig, Mohammed HirzallaDie hartherzige Emily Boynton erpreßt nach dem Tod ihres Gatten den Familienanwalt, ihr das Erbe allein zukommen zu lassen. Um die fünf betrogenen Familienmitglieder zu beschwichtigen, lädt sie Emily auf eine Kreuzfahrt ein. Als der von Gewissensbissen geplagte Anwalt auftaucht, trachtet ihm Emily vergeblich nach dem Leben. Stattdessen wird sie selbst Opfer eines Mordes. Unter den vielen Tatverdächtigen findet Inspektor Poirot den wirklichen Mörder heraus: ein britisches Parlamentsmitglied, das einst eine Haftstrafe verbüßte und befürchten mußte, von Emily verraten zu werden.
Agatha Christie-Verfilmung mit einer Reihe von Altstars wie Peter Ustinov, Lauren Bacall und John Gielgud.
Werke um Hercule Poirot von Agatha-Christie:Kinofilme:Die Morde des Herrn ABCMord im Orient-Express (1974)Tod auf dem NilDas Böse unter der SonneRendezvous mit einer LeicheTV-Serie:Agatha Christie's Poirot
Emily Boynton, stepmother to the three Boynton children -- Lennox, Raymond and Carol -- and mother to Ginevra, blackmails the family lawyer, Jefferson Cope, into destroying a second will of her late husband that would have freed the children from her dominating influence. She takes herself, the children and her daughter-in-law Nadine on holiday to Europe and the Holy Land. In Jerusalem, the great detective Hercule Poirot meets up with a woman friend, Dr. Sarah King, who falls in love with Raymond Boynton to Emily's disapproval. Lady Westholme, her secretary Miss Quinton and lawyer Cope are following them too. The children discover the second will and Emily succeeds in rubbing the rest the wrong way, causing much hatred towards her. At a dig, Emily is found dead. Poirot investigates.
Emily Boynton, stepmother to the three Boynton children -- Lennox, Raymond and Carol -- and mother to Ginevra, blackmails the family lawyer, Jefferson Cope, into destroying a second will of her late husband that would have freed the children from her dominating influence. She takes herself, the children and her daughter-in-law Nadine on holiday to Europe and the Holy Land. In Jerusalem, the great detective Hercule Poirot meets up with a woman friend, Dr. Sarah King, who falls in love with Raymond Boynton to Emily's disapproval. Lady Westholme, her secretary Miss Quinton and lawyer Cope are following them too. The children discover the second will and Emily succeeds in rubbing the rest the wrong way, causing much hatred towards her. At a dig, Emily is found dead. Poirot investigates.