Rettet den Weihnachtsmann
Jackie CooperSchauspieler:
Jaclyn Smith, Art Carney, Paul Le Mat, Mason Adams, June Lockhart, Paul Williams, Scott Grimes, Laura Jacoby, R.J. Williams, Anne HaneyDer Weihnachtsmann ist in Gefahr und mit ihm auch das gesamte Weihnachtsfest: Kapitalistische Firmen wollen am Nordpol nach Öl bohren, direkt am Arbeitsplatz des Weihnachtsmanns. Doch die Kinder der Ölmagnate schlagen sich auf seine Seite und versuchen mit aller Macht zu verhindern, dass Weihnachten in diesem Jahr ausfallen muss.
An oil company is exploring two Arctic sites for oil. The needed blasting at the first site rocks Santa Claus' North Pole village. He realizes that any blasting at the second site will destroy his home. He enlists the aid of a woman and her children to convince her husband (who works for the company) that the first site is where the oil they want is. Along the way, Santa explains all his secrets in delivering presents all around the world.
An oil company is exploring two Arctic sites for oil. The needed blasting at the first site rocks Santa Claus' North Pole village. He realizes that any blasting at the second site will destroy his home. He enlists the aid of a woman and her children to convince her husband (who works for the company) that the first site is where the oil they want is. Along the way, Santa explains all his secrets in delivering presents all around the world.