IMDB Rating
Voting: 5.5 /10 (2)
Trailer: YouTube

Rocco - Der Mann mit den zwei Gesichtern



Franco Giraldi


Jack Betts, Soledad Miranda, Giuliano Raffaelli, Gina Rovere
Als Undercover-Agent reist Tom Cooper nach Snake Valley, um – verkleidet als Arzt – das Verschwinden einiger Offiziere aufzuklären und aufzuräumen in der vom Verbrechen durchseuchten Stadt.

In order to avenge a friend and to fulfill his last wish, Rocco has to find out what happened to an army corps that has mysteriously disappeared. He therefore puts on the disguise of a doctor and starts investigating in a somewhat uncomfortable town
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    Mirror 1 | 04.12.2017 -

    Summary & Details

    Als Undercover-Agent reist Tom Cooper nach Snake Valley, um – verkleidet als Arzt – das Verschwinden einiger Offiziere aufzuklären und aufzuräumen in der vom Verbrechen durchseuchten Stadt.

    In order to avenge a friend and to fulfill his last wish, Rocco has to find out what happened to an army corps that has mysteriously disappeared. He therefore puts on the disguise of a doctor and starts investigating in a somewhat uncomfortable town

    Also Known As:

    Sugar Colt


    ~100 Min.

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    Sandro Continenza (screenplay), Sandro Continenza (story), Fernando Di Leo, Augusto Finocchi (screenplay), Augusto Finocchi (story)


    IMDb-Seite, Filmstarts