Jeff Crook, Josh CrookSchauspieler:
Nicholas Gonzalez, Mario Cimarro, Oleg Taktarov, Vitali BaganovDer im Afghanistan-Krieg ausgezeichnete Soldat Trane kehrt in die Vereinigten Staaten zurück. Dort erfährt er, dass seine Familie nach Übernahme seines Wohnviertels von der russischen Drogenmafia brutal ermordet worden sind. Seine Schwaster Caridad wird gezwungen, als Callgirl zu arbeiten, während sein bester Freund Dave seinen gesamtent Besitz verloren hat. Trane schwört Rache und schmiedet einen Plan, um die Verantwortlichen auf grausamste Weise bestrafen zu können.
Trane is a decorated war hero just shipped home to the States from Afghanistan after the brutal murder of his wife and child back in Rockaway, Queens. Upon his return, Trane encounters his old friend Dave, who describes the new forces of crime and prostitution that have moved into their neighborhood and caused the destruction of his family.
Trane is a decorated war hero just shipped home to the States from Afghanistan after the brutal murder of his wife and child back in Rockaway, Queens. Upon his return, Trane encounters his old friend Dave, who describes the new forces of crime and prostitution that have moved into their neighborhood and caused the destruction of his family.