Rough Riders
John MiliusSchauspieler:
Brad Johnson, Sam Elliott, Tom Berenger, Gary Busey1898 erklären die USA Spanien den Krieg und ziehen in den Kampf, um die Unabhängigkeit Kuba zu erkämpfen. Das Rückgrat der Armee sind freiwillige Truppen aus dem Westen, die Rough Riders, auch das Furchtlose Regiment genannt, ein bunt zusammengewürfelter Haufen, die mit den Buffalo Soldiers von Florida nach Kuba übersetzen. Oberbefehlshaber ist Gouverneur Theodore Roosevelt, der spätere USPräsident. Nach harten, auf beiden Seiten verlustreichen Kämpfen müssen sich die Spanier geschlagen geben.
In 1898 the US government decided to intervene on the side of the Cuban rebels in their struggle against Spanish rule. Assistant Navy Secretary Theodore Roosevelt decides to experience the war first hand by promoting and joining a volunteer cavalry regiment. The regiment, later known as the Rough Riders, brings together volunteers from all corners of the nation and all walks of life. When Roosevelt and his men finally land on Cuba, they face ambush, intense enemy fire, and a desperate, outnumbered charge up a defended hill.
In 1898 the US government decided to intervene on the side of the Cuban rebels in their struggle against Spanish rule. Assistant Navy Secretary Theodore Roosevelt decides to experience the war first hand by promoting and joining a volunteer cavalry regiment. The regiment, later known as the Rough Riders, brings together volunteers from all corners of the nation and all walks of life. When Roosevelt and his men finally land on Cuba, they face ambush, intense enemy fire, and a desperate, outnumbered charge up a defended hill.