Run - Lauf um dein Leben
Geoff BurrowesSchauspieler:
Patrick Dempsey, Kelly Preston, Ken Pogue, Alan C. Peterson, James Kidnie, Sean McCann, Michael MacRae, Marc Strange, Tom McBeath, Doug AbrahamsDer unbedarfte Jurastudent Charlie soll ein Auto überführen. Die Zeit bei einer Panne vertreibt er sich in einem Spielcasino, wo er in den Unfalltod eines Gastes verwickelt wird. Zu Charlies Pech ist der Vater des Toten der Mobboß Halloran, der die Stadt kontrolliert. Und der glaubt fest daran, daß Charlie seinen Sohn umgebracht hat. Fortan ist Charlie auf der Flucht: Vor den Schergen des Mobsters und vor der Polizei, die von Halloran geschmiert wird. Nur die Casinoangestellte und Zeugin des Unfalls Karen zeigt Zivilcourage und hilft Charlie. Trotzdem wird er in die Enge getrieben. Endlich entschließt sich Charlie zu handeln.
While conveying a Porsche from Boston to Atlantic City, student Charlie has to make a stop due to engine trouble. Mistaken as rich, he's invited to a big poker game -- and wins big time. However Denny Halloran, son of a mighty mobster, is a bad loser and starts a fight. But he's also a bad fighter: he falls on his head and is dead. Now Charlie's in trouble; after he flees Halloran's father puts a reward on his head. Even the police won't help him against the mighty man... so Charlie has to run for his life.
While conveying a Porsche from Boston to Atlantic City, student Charlie has to make a stop due to engine trouble. Mistaken as rich, he's invited to a big poker game -- and wins big time. However Denny Halloran, son of a mighty mobster, is a bad loser and starts a fight. But he's also a bad fighter: he falls on his head and is dead. Now Charlie's in trouble; after he flees Halloran's father puts a reward on his head. Even the police won't help him against the mighty man... so Charlie has to run for his life.