Sado - Stoß das Tor zur Hölle auf
Joe D'AmatoSchauspieler:
Kieran Canter, Cinzia Monreale, Franca Stoppi, Sam Modesto, Lucia D'Elia, Anna Cardini, Mario Pezzin, Walter Tribus, Klaus Rainer, Simonetta AllodiAls Franks Geliebte stirbt, dreht er durch: Er präpariert ihren toten Körper und "lagert" die Leiche in seinem Bett. Als ihm dann schließlich klar wird, dass seine Beziehung endgültig am Ende ist, tötet er wahllos weitere Frauen. Die Leichen werden zerstückelt und in Säure aufgelöst oder verbrannt. Eines Tages erscheint die Schwester von Franks toter Ex auf dem Anwesen...
A young rich orphan loses his fiancée to voodoo doll mischief on the part of his housekeeper who is jealous of his attentions. He digs his girlfriend up, cleans her out, stuffs her, and puts her in bed at the mansion. Following this, he tries out and disposes of a series of young maidens, trying to find the right replacement for her, and the disapproving housekeeper helps him with the disposals.
A young rich orphan loses his fiancée to voodoo doll mischief on the part of his housekeeper who is jealous of his attentions. He digs his girlfriend up, cleans her out, stuffs her, and puts her in bed at the mansion. Following this, he tries out and disposes of a series of young maidens, trying to find the right replacement for her, and the disapproving housekeeper helps him with the disposals.