Savage Island - Insel der Toten
Jeffery Scott LandoSchauspieler:
Winston Rekert, Don S. Davis, Kristina Copeland, Brendan Beiser, Nahanni Arntzen, Steven Man, Beverley Breuer, Gregg Scott, Zoran Vukelic, Lindsay Jameson, Kyle Sawyer, Sheila TysonSteven und Julia haben Eheprobleme, doch ein Wochenendbesuch bei Julias Familie auf einer abgeschiedenen Insel lässt diese zu ihrer kleinsten Sorge werden. Die einzigen anderen Inselbewohner sind die Savages, eine Familie, die dem Begriff „Hinterwäldler“ eine ganz neue Dimension hinzufügt. Als sie Stevens und Julias Neugeborenen als Ersatz für ihren getöteten Sohn fordern, entfesseln Gier und Selbstsucht ein schonungsloses Chaos fernab jeglicher Zivilisation.
Julia Young and Steven Harris are having marital troubles, but on a weekend trip to visit Julia's family on the remote Savage Island, marital problems quickly become the least of their worries. An intense struggle between the Young and the Savage families, the only residents living on the island, takes thrills and chills to a whole new and disturbing level. The Savages, a bunch that take the terms 'hillbilly', and 'hick' to a new frontier, are out to claim Steven and Julia's baby as payment for the death of their own son who was accidentally run over by Julia's pot-head younger brother
Julia Young and Steven Harris are having marital troubles, but on a weekend trip to visit Julia's family on the remote Savage Island, marital problems quickly become the least of their worries. An intense struggle between the Young and the Savage families, the only residents living on the island, takes thrills and chills to a whole new and disturbing level. The Savages, a bunch that take the terms 'hillbilly', and 'hick' to a new frontier, are out to claim Steven and Julia's baby as payment for the death of their own son who was accidentally run over by Julia's pot-head younger brother