Schilf – Alles, was denkbar ist, existiert
Claudia LehmannSchauspieler:
Mark Waschke, Stipe Erceg, Bernadette Heerwagen, Nicolas Treichel, Sandra Borgmann, Katinka Auberger, Julia Malik, Bernhard Conrad, Paul Grasshoff, Christoph Tomanek, Sebastian Haase, Andreas Döhler, Sophia Loeffler, David Lukowczyk, Michael Kirmes-Seitz, Nico DelpySebastian ist Physikprofessor an der Universität Jena und beschäftigt sich seit Jahren mit Paralleluniversen. Akribisch versucht er, deren Existenz wissenschaftlich zu beweisen. Sein Studienfreund Oskar, Professor für theoretische Physik am CERN in Genf, belächelt Sebastians festen Glauben an Paralleluniversen und die Viele-Welten-Theorie. Um sich der Beweisführung in Ruhe widmen zu können, bringt Sebastian seinen Sohn Nick ins Ferienlager, während seine Frau Maike in den Urlaub fährt. An einer Raststätte verschwindet Nick spurlos und für Sebastian beginnt ein Alptraum.
Sebastian (Mark Waschke) is a physics professor at the University of Jena and dealing for years with parallel universes. Meticulously, he tries to prove its existence scientifically. His college friend Oskar (Stipe Erceg), professor of theoretical physics at CERN in Geneva, smiles at Sebastian's firm belief in parallel universes and the many-worlds theory. In order to devote himself to the evidence in peace, Sebastian brings his son Nick to a summer camp, while his wife Maike (Bernadette Heerwagen) is on vacation in the mountains. At a rest stop Nick disappears out of the car and so for Sebastian a nightmare begins. Increasingly he is loosing more and more control. What really happened? It is fatal to his own theory? And who is this mysterious Schilf, which occurs abruptly in Sebastian's life?
Sebastian (Mark Waschke) is a physics professor at the University of Jena and dealing for years with parallel universes. Meticulously, he tries to prove its existence scientifically. His college friend Oskar (Stipe Erceg), professor of theoretical physics at CERN in Geneva, smiles at Sebastian's firm belief in parallel universes and the many-worlds theory. In order to devote himself to the evidence in peace, Sebastian brings his son Nick to a summer camp, while his wife Maike (Bernadette Heerwagen) is on vacation in the mountains. At a rest stop Nick disappears out of the car and so for Sebastian a nightmare begins. Increasingly he is loosing more and more control. What really happened? It is fatal to his own theory? And who is this mysterious Schilf, which occurs abruptly in Sebastian's life?