Schrei, wenn der Tingler kommt
William CastleSchauspieler:
Vincent Price, Judith Evelyn, Darryl Hickman, Patricia Cutts, Pamela Lincoln, Philip CoolidgeDer New Yorker Arzt Dr. Chapin macht eine bahnbrechende Entdeckung: Er findet heraus, dass in Situationen größter Angst an der Wirbelsäule des Menschen ein Parasit wächst, der das Rückgrat seines Wirtes zerstört, wird er nicht durch einen markerschütternden Angstschrei getötet. Chapin will das Wesen, dem er den Namen „Tingler“ gegeben hat, nach einem waghalsigen Selbstversuch separieren, um seine Entdeckung zu beweisen. Doch wie kann er den Tingler aus einem Wirtskörper entfernen, wenn der Patient dabei sein Leben verlieren könnte? Da kommt ihm die stumme Frau eines Bekannten gerade recht, denn sie ist außerstande zu schreien. So reift in Dr. Chapin ein skrupelloser Plan, dessen Ausführung ungeahnte Folgen hat.
Dr. Warren Chapin is a pathologist who regularly conducts autopsies on executed prisoners at the State prison. He has a theory that fear is the result of a creature that inhabits all of us. His theory is that the creature is suppressed by our ability to scream when fear strikes us. He gets a chance to test his theories when he meets Ollie and Martha Higgins, who own and operate a second-run movie theater. Martha is deaf and mute and if she is unable to scream, extreme fear should make the creature, which Chapin has called the Tingler, come to life and grow. Using LSD to induce nightmares, he begins his experiment.
Dr. Warren Chapin is a pathologist who regularly conducts autopsies on executed prisoners at the State prison. He has a theory that fear is the result of a creature that inhabits all of us. His theory is that the creature is suppressed by our ability to scream when fear strikes us. He gets a chance to test his theories when he meets Ollie and Martha Higgins, who own and operate a second-run movie theater. Martha is deaf and mute and if she is unable to scream, extreme fear should make the creature, which Chapin has called the Tingler, come to life and grow. Using LSD to induce nightmares, he begins his experiment.