Schwarzer Freitag
Arthur LubinSchauspieler:
Stanley Ridges, Boris Karloff, Bela Lugosi, Anne Nagel, Anne Gwynne, Virginia Brissac, Edmund MacDonald, Paul Fix, Murray Alper, Jack Mulhall, Raymond Bailey, Joe King, John Kelly, Jessie Arnold, Elfriede Borodin, Tommy ConlonAls sein Freund Professor Kingsley (Stanley Ridges) bei einem Schußwechsel von Gangstern von deren Auto überfahren wird, trägt er einen schweren Gehirnschaden davon, der im Krankenhaus nicht behandelt werden kann, so daß sich Dr.Ernest Sovac einer radikal experimentellen Methode bedienen muß: die geschädigten Teile von Kingsleys Gehirn ersetzt er durch identische Teile des Gangsters Red Cannon, der bei dem Schußwechsel ebenfalls irreparabel verletzt wurde.
Der Eingriff gelingt, doch jetzt hat Kingsley wechselnde Persönlichkeiten und die wutschnaubende und rachsüchtige von Cannon gewinnt oft die Oberhand. Während Sovac langsam aber sicher der Fund von Cannons Beute mehr interessiert als sein Freund, geht die Cannon-Hälfte von Kingsley brutal gegen die anderen Männer seiner Organisation vor, an deren Spitze Eric Marnay (Bela Lugosi) steht...
When his friend Professor Kingsely (Ridges) is at deaths door, brain surgeon Dr. Sovac (Karloff) saves his life by means of an illegal operation that transplants part of injured gangster Red Cannon's brain. Unfortunately, the operation has a disasterous Jeckll and Hyde side effect and under certain conditions the persona of Cannon emerges. Sovac soon learns of the duel personality and of half a million dollars the gangster has hidden away. He attempts to find the money through the manipulation of his friend, an attempt that brings Kingsley closer to madness as he alternates between a meek professor of english and a brutal gangster out for murderous revenge on those who tried to kill him.
When his friend Professor Kingsely (Ridges) is at deaths door, brain surgeon Dr. Sovac (Karloff) saves his life by means of an illegal operation that transplants part of injured gangster Red Cannon's brain. Unfortunately, the operation has a disasterous Jeckll and Hyde side effect and under certain conditions the persona of Cannon emerges. Sovac soon learns of the duel personality and of half a million dollars the gangster has hidden away. He attempts to find the money through the manipulation of his friend, an attempt that brings Kingsley closer to madness as he alternates between a meek professor of english and a brutal gangster out for murderous revenge on those who tried to kill him.