See You on Venus
Joaquín LlamasSchauspieler:
Virginia Gardner, Alex Aiono, Rob Estes, Isabel Serrano, Bernard Bullen, Marjorie E. Glantz, Claudia Ferranti, Carolina Aller, Albert Green, Lolo Diego, Alex Astort-Fabra, Anibal Brito, Eowyn Nyby KriegerZwei amerikanische Teenager reisen auf der Suche nach der leiblichen Mutter des Mädchens nach Spanien. Während sie durch die malerischen Städte reisen und sich ineinander verlieben, entdecken sie, dass die wichtigste Frage nicht ist, wer einem das Leben geschenkt hat, sondern was man daraus macht.
Mia and Kyle, two misfit American teens, travel to Spain searching for Mia's birth mother. As the pair road trip through the picturesque cities of Andalusia and fall in love, they discover that the most important question isn't who gave you life, but what you decide to do with it.
Mia and Kyle, two misfit American teens, travel to Spain searching for Mia's birth mother. As the pair road trip through the picturesque cities of Andalusia and fall in love, they discover that the most important question isn't who gave you life, but what you decide to do with it.