Shaolin - Kinder der Rache
Hsin-Yen ChangSchauspieler:
Jet Li, Hai Yu, Lan Ding, Qiuyan Huang, Chun Hua Ji, Qingfu Pan, Jian Kui Sun, Cheng-Hui YuSeit Generationen lehrt die Familie Bao das altehrwürdige Wudang-Fechten, doch jetzt steckt der Clan in der Krise, weil nämlich Frau Bao acht Töchter und noch keinen Jungen geboren hat. Bei den Shaolin-Mönchen vom anderen Flussufer herrscht dagegen Knabenüberschuss, seit man jene Jungen adoptierte, deren Eltern vor Jahren bei einem Überfall von Banditen ums Leben kamen. Pech bloß, dass beide Clans erbitterte Feinde sind und für Liebe wenig Sinn haben. Ein neuerlicher Angriff der Banditen könnte das ändern.
Zwei verfeindete Kampfsportclans werden von Romeo und Julia bzw. gemeinsamen Feinden zum Teamwork genötigt. Schlichte Historienlektion in familiengerechter Martial-Arts-Kostümkomödie mit dem jungen Jet Li.
Two rivaling families live on opposite sides of a river. One of them practices Shaolin kung fu and has only sons, while the other has only daughters and practices the Wu-Tang sword. The father of the Wu-Tang family is so paranoid about the Shaolin kids stealing his sword style (besides, he wants a son to teach it to, and the closest thing he has is a lesbian daughter) that he is taken off guard when some real bad guys come along to kill his family, but the Shaolin family helps them out. All the while, everyone is desperately trying to get the lesbian girl to marry Jet Li.
Two rivaling families live on opposite sides of a river. One of them practices Shaolin kung fu and has only sons, while the other has only daughters and practices the Wu-Tang sword. The father of the Wu-Tang family is so paranoid about the Shaolin kids stealing his sword style (besides, he wants a son to teach it to, and the closest thing he has is a lesbian daughter) that he is taken off guard when some real bad guys come along to kill his family, but the Shaolin family helps them out. All the while, everyone is desperately trying to get the lesbian girl to marry Jet Li.