Silence Becomes You - Bilder des Verrats
Stephanie SinclaireSchauspieler:
Alicia Silverstone, Sienna Guillory, Joe Anderson, Leigh LawsonAbgeschieden von der Gesellschaft leben die schönen Schwestern Violet und Grace (Alicia Silverstone und Sienna Guillory) in einer Villa im Grünen und huldigen wahlweise den schönen Künsten oder ihrem kultisch verehrten verstorbenen Vater. Tramper Luke (Joe Anderson) scheint da eher zu stören, doch die sonderbaren Schwestern haben noch Bedeutsames mit ihm vor.
Gothic-Drama in der Tradition von Poe in einem stimmungsvollen Gruselfilm von Regisseurin Stephanie Sinclaire.
Two sisters, Grace and Violet, bound together by more than blood, live a reclusive life in a large mansion, detached from society and reality too. They have a plan. It's hardly conventional, but the outcome nine months later is all that counts. Whatever they do they must not fall in love with the man that they choose to ensnare. Set in contemporary New England.
Two sisters, Grace and Violet, bound together by more than blood, live a reclusive life in a large mansion, detached from society and reality too. They have a plan. It's hardly conventional, but the outcome nine months later is all that counts. Whatever they do they must not fall in love with the man that they choose to ensnare. Set in contemporary New England.