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Brian LevantSchauspieler:
Ice Cube, Nia Long, Aleisha Allen, Philip Bolden, Jay Mohr, M.C. Gainey, Henry Simmons, Ray Galletti, Viv Leacock, Sean Millington, C. Ernst Harth, Tim Perez, David MackayUm seine neue Flamme, die zweifache Solomutter Suzanne (Nia Long), über die Feiertage zu entlasten, bietet ihr der ehemals passionierte Partylöwe und Womanizer Nick (Ice Cube) an, deren Kinder Kevin (Philip Daniel Bolden) und Lindsey (Aleisha Allen) von Oregon nach Vancouver zu transportieren. Nick ahnt nicht, dass die beiden Horrorzwerge wahre Spezialisten darin sind, die jeweils neuen Liebhaber ihrer Mutter mit allen nur denkbaren und hinterlistigen Tricks in die Flucht zu schlagen. Auf einer langen Fahrt entlang der winterlichen Westküste wird Nick es jedoch erfahren.
Liebesromanze trifft ausgelassen destruktiven Slapstick in diesem heiter-anspruchslosen Roadmovie für die ganze Familie.
The fledgling romance between Nick, a playboy bachelor, and Suzanne, a divorced mother of two, is threatened by a particularly harrowing New Years Eve. When Suzanne's work keeps her in Vancouver for the holiday, Nick offers to bring her kids to the city from Portland, Oregon. The kids, who have never liked any of the men their mom dates, are determined to turn the trip into a nightmare for Nick.
The fledgling romance between Nick, a playboy bachelor, and Suzanne, a divorced mother of two, is threatened by a particularly harrowing New Years Eve. When Suzanne's work keeps her in Vancouver for the holiday, Nick offers to bring her kids to the city from Portland, Oregon. The kids, who have never liked any of the men their mom dates, are determined to turn the trip into a nightmare for Nick.