Siyama - Krieger aus einer anderen Zeit
Preecha SongsakulSchauspieler:
Thanakorn Pongsuwan, Thitima Maliwan, Nattanun Jantarawetch, Bawriboon Chanreuang, Sompob Benjathikul, Viriya Juramakorn, Montri Ketkaew, Hassapon KongsibIm Thailand des 18. Jahrhunderts klopfen wieder einmal gewaltsam die Burmesen an die Tür und schonen bei ihrem Vormarsch durch friedliche siamesische Bauernweiler weder Frau, Kind noch Rind. In Siyama könnte man das Gemetzel durch Tributzahlungen an burmesische Elitetruppen abwenden, doch lieber stirbt man gemeinsam für Thailand den Heldentod. Da fällt aus heiterem Himmel ein Auto in die belagerte Stadt, dem drei Thai-Teenager aus dem 21. Jahrhundert entsteigen. Ein Vorteil in der Schlacht ?
Three young lives from the present are mysteriously destined to travel back in time through a portal to an old forgotten city. It is an era of civil war among the people of Siam where the fight is to protect the capital city of Ayuthaya from being conquered and overthrown. Bloodshed is about to unfold among the small group of villagers loyal to their land and prepared to battle to the death with the opposing military troops of Ong Mien, known for their cut throat, piercing swords. Siyama led by, Kru Jom, uses religious sorcery to protect his small village located amidst a ravine populated by only a mere one thousand villagers and two hundred rooftops. By being the choice of passage towards the capital city of Ayuthaya, Siyama becomes a targeted obstacle for the gruesome military brigade of Ong Mien. Anna, Gif, and Bote from present day Bangkok are thrown into a gateway through time after coincidentally conversing about the history of warfare that took place in the ancient days of what.
Three young lives from the present are mysteriously destined to travel back in time through a portal to an old forgotten city. It is an era of civil war among the people of Siam where the fight is to protect the capital city of Ayuthaya from being conquered and overthrown. Bloodshed is about to unfold among the small group of villagers loyal to their land and prepared to battle to the death with the opposing military troops of Ong Mien, known for their cut throat, piercing swords. Siyama led by, Kru Jom, uses religious sorcery to protect his small village located amidst a ravine populated by only a mere one thousand villagers and two hundred rooftops. By being the choice of passage towards the capital city of Ayuthaya, Siyama becomes a targeted obstacle for the gruesome military brigade of Ong Mien. Anna, Gif, and Bote from present day Bangkok are thrown into a gateway through time after coincidentally conversing about the history of warfare that took place in the ancient days of what.