Marc LevinSchauspieler:
Saul Williams, Sonja Sohn, Bonz Malone, Lawrence WilsonWenn Ray Joshua aus dem berüchtigen Problembezirk Dodge City in Washington nicht gerade Reime schmiedet und von einer Zukunft als Hiphop-Poet träumt, verkauft er Gras für den Dealer Big Mike. Als dieser eines Tages vor seiner Nase erschossen wird und die Cops ihn an Ort und Stelle mit einer Einkaufstüte voller Drogen überwältigen, wandert Ray ins Gefängnis und muss sich dort gegen den gefährlichen Verdacht wehren, selbst etwas mit Big Mikes Tod zu tun zu haben. Zur Hilfe kommt ihm dabei sein künstlerisches Talent.
Slam tells the story of Ray Joshua, an original, gifted young MC trapped in a war-zone housing project known as Dodge City. Unable to find a job, Ray copes with the despair and poverty of his neighborhood by using his wits and verbal talent. Written by Offline Publicist Young Ray Joshua lives in the Washington, DC, district known as Dodge City, which is dominated by gang wars. One day he is arrested when his drug dealer is gunned down while talking to him. He is put to prison where two rival gangs, Thug Life and the Union, want to recruit him as a member.
Slam tells the story of Ray Joshua, an original, gifted young MC trapped in a war-zone housing project known as Dodge City. Unable to find a job, Ray copes with the despair and poverty of his neighborhood by using his wits and verbal talent. Written by Offline Publicist Young Ray Joshua lives in the Washington, DC, district known as Dodge City, which is dominated by gang wars. One day he is arrested when his drug dealer is gunned down while talking to him. He is put to prison where two rival gangs, Thug Life and the Union, want to recruit him as a member.