Konstantin KhabenskiySchauspieler:
Konstantin Khabenskiy, Christopher Lambert, Michalina Olszańska, Felice Jankell, Mariya Kozhevnikova, Dainius Kazlauskas, Philippe Reinhardt, Maximilian Dirr, Mindaugas Papinigis, Wolfgang Cerny, Sergey Godin, Roman Ageyev, Gela Meskhi, Dirk Martens, Evgeniy Sarmont, Joshua RubinDas Vernichtungslager Sobibór im besetzten Polen ist durch einen Stacheldrahtzaun und einen Minengürtel von der Außenwelt abgeschirmt. Ein Ausbruch scheint unmöglich. Als im September des Jahres 1943 eine Gruppe russischer Kriegsgefangener unter der Führung des Offiziers Alexander Pechersky in das Lager kommt, regt sich der Widerstand. Die Soldaten sind taktisch geschult und hochmotiviert. Gemeinsam mit ihren Mitgefangenen wagen sie das scheinbar Unmögliche.
Russisches Historiendrama über den Aufstand im Vernichtungslager Sobibór, bei dem am 14. Oktober 1943 die Gefangenen des Lagers einen Ausbruch wagen.
The film is based on a real story that happened in 1943 in the Sobibor concentration camp in German-occupied Poland. The main character of the movie is the Soviet-Jewish soldier Alexander Pechersky, who at that time was serving in the Red Army as a lieutenant. In October 1943, he was captured by the Nazis and deported to the Sobibor concentration camp, where Jews were being exterminated in gas chambers. But, in just 3 weeks, Alexander was able to plan an international uprising of prisoners from Poland and Western Europe. This uprising resulted in being the only successful one throughout the war, which led to the largest escape of prisoners from a Nazi concentration camp.
The film is based on a real story that happened in 1943 in the Sobibor concentration camp in German-occupied Poland. The main character of the movie is the Soviet-Jewish soldier Alexander Pechersky, who at that time was serving in the Red Army as a lieutenant. In October 1943, he was captured by the Nazis and deported to the Sobibor concentration camp, where Jews were being exterminated in gas chambers. But, in just 3 weeks, Alexander was able to plan an international uprising of prisoners from Poland and Western Europe. This uprising resulted in being the only successful one throughout the war, which led to the largest escape of prisoners from a Nazi concentration camp.