Squirm - Invasion der Bestien
Jeff LiebermanSchauspieler:
Don Scardino, Patricia Pearcy, R.A. Dow, Jean Sullivan, Peter MacLean, Fran Higgins, William Newman, Barbara Quinn, Carl Dagenhart, Angel Sande, Carol Jean Owens, Kim Iocouvozzi, Walter Dimmick, Leslie Thorsen, Julia Klopp, Ralph FlandersDurch einen umstürzenden Strommast gelangen ungeheure Mengen elektrischen Stroms in den ländlichen Boden einer amerikanischen Kleinstadt. Dadurch werden nicht nur Millionen von Regenwürmern an die Oberfläche getrieben, die Tierchen entwickeln auch einen ungewöhnlichen Appetit auf Menschenfleisch...
At the beginning of the film, we learn from one of the characters that earthworms can be called to the surface with electricity, but somehow it turns them into vicious flesh-eaters. Sure enough, a storm that night causes some power lines to break and touch the ground, drawing millions of man-eating worms out of the earth, and into town where they quickly start munching on the locals.
At the beginning of the film, we learn from one of the characters that earthworms can be called to the surface with electricity, but somehow it turns them into vicious flesh-eaters. Sure enough, a storm that night causes some power lines to break and touch the ground, drawing millions of man-eating worms out of the earth, and into town where they quickly start munching on the locals.