St. Ives - Alles aus Liebe
Harry HookSchauspieler:
Jean-Marc Barr, Miranda Richardson, Chris McHallem, Richard E. Grant, Anna Friel, Jason Isaacs, Michael Gough, Cécile Pallas, Tim Dutton, Vernon Dobtcheff, Barney Craig, Desmond Barrit, Patrice Melennec, Adrian Scarborough, Enda Oates, Eileen McCloskeyIm Jahr 1813 gerät der französische Husar Jacques St. Ives in Gefangenschaft und landet in einem Gefängnis in einer schottischen Burg. Dort lernt er die hübsche Flora kennen, die in Begleitung ihrer Tante Miss Gilchrist das Gefangenenlager besucht. Flora hilft ihm bei der Flucht und der Suche nach seinem tot geglaubten Großvater, der in der Nähe der Burg lebt. Bei diesem befindet sich auch Jacques missratener Bruder Alain, der durch die Ankunft von Jacques seine Erbschaftsaussichten schwinden sieht.
In 1813, Capitaine Jacques St. Ives, a Hussar in the Napoleonic wars, is captured and sent to a Scottish prison camp. He's a swashbuckler, so the prison's commander, Major Farquar Bolingbroke Chevening, asks for lessons in communicating with women. Both men have their eyes on the lovely Flora, who resides with her aunt, the iconoclastic and well-traveled Miss Susan Emily Gilcrist. By chance, living close to the camp is Jacques's grandfather and brother, whom Jacques believes died years before. Jacques decides to escape, find his relatives, and win the hand of Flora; Major Chevening and an unforeseen enemy stand in his way. Can Miss Gilcrist contrive to make everything work out?
In 1813, Capitaine Jacques St. Ives, a Hussar in the Napoleonic wars, is captured and sent to a Scottish prison camp. He's a swashbuckler, so the prison's commander, Major Farquar Bolingbroke Chevening, asks for lessons in communicating with women. Both men have their eyes on the lovely Flora, who resides with her aunt, the iconoclastic and well-traveled Miss Susan Emily Gilcrist. By chance, living close to the camp is Jacques's grandfather and brother, whom Jacques believes died years before. Jacques decides to escape, find his relatives, and win the hand of Flora; Major Chevening and an unforeseen enemy stand in his way. Can Miss Gilcrist contrive to make everything work out?