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William KeighleySchauspieler:
Mark Stevens, Richard Widmark, Lloyd Nolan, Barbara Lawrence, Ed Begley, Donald Buka, Joseph Pevney, John McIntire, Walter Greaza, Howard SmithIm Kampf gegen den kaltblütigen Gangsterboss Alec Stiles beschließt FBI-Inspektor George Briggs, den Agenten Gene Cordell undercover in Stiles' Bande einzuschleusen. Der Plan scheint aufzugehen, als Stiles auf Cordell aufmerksam wird und ihn unter seine Fittiche nimmt. Doch dummerweise hat Stiles seinerseits einen Mann im Polizeiapparat sitzen, so dass es nur eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis er von Cordells wahrer Identität erfährt.
After two gang-related killings in "Center City," a suspect (who was framed) is arrested, released on bail...and murdered. Inspector Briggs of the FBI recruits a young agent, Gene Cordell, to go undercover in the shadowy Skid Row area (alias George Manly) as a potential victim of the same racket. Soon, Gene meets Alec Stiles, neurotic mastermind who's "building an organization along scientific lines." Stiles recruits Cordell, whose job becomes a lot more dangerous
After two gang-related killings in "Center City," a suspect (who was framed) is arrested, released on bail...and murdered. Inspector Briggs of the FBI recruits a young agent, Gene Cordell, to go undercover in the shadowy Skid Row area (alias George Manly) as a potential victim of the same racket. Soon, Gene meets Alec Stiles, neurotic mastermind who's "building an organization along scientific lines." Stiles recruits Cordell, whose job becomes a lot more dangerous