Strike One
David Llauger MeiselmanSchauspieler:
Danny Trejo, French Stewart, Reginald VelJohnson, James Russo, Zahn McClarnon, Billy Gallo, Mariano Mendoza, Michelle LaRue, Alma Martinez, Nicki Hunter, Jocelyn Cruz, James Tumminia, Johnny Ortiz, Deadlee, Leo OlivaJuan Darcia ist ein Junge an der Schwelle zum Erwachsenwerden. Er lebt mit seiner alleinerziehenden Mutter in einem von knallharten Gangs kontrollierten Viertel. Sein Onkel, ein ehemaliges Gang-Mitglied, der aus dem Knast entlassen wurde, ist für ihn der Bezugspunkt, sich in dieser rauen Welt zurechtzufinden. Doch er muss nicht nur mit den Problemen eines typischen Jugendlichen und seinen ständigen Gedanken an Mädchen kämpfen, sondern auch mit den Gesetzesvertretern, die kein bisschen Toleranz für seine Gang-Verbindungen zeigen.
Juan Garcia is a boy on the threshold of manhood living in a gang-controlled neighborhood. His role models could not be further apart: his older sister Angie, a single mom, struggling to gain a foothold in the white corporate world and his uncle Manny, an ex-gang member, who has fallen into an acting career playing gang bangers since his release from prison. With the future on his doorstep, Juan, like most boys, can only think of girls and is unaware of the judicial system's hard line stance against gang affiliation.
Juan Garcia is a boy on the threshold of manhood living in a gang-controlled neighborhood. His role models could not be further apart: his older sister Angie, a single mom, struggling to gain a foothold in the white corporate world and his uncle Manny, an ex-gang member, who has fallen into an acting career playing gang bangers since his release from prison. With the future on his doorstep, Juan, like most boys, can only think of girls and is unaware of the judicial system's hard line stance against gang affiliation.