Suche Mann für meine Frau
Stefan LukschySchauspieler:
Heikko Deutschmann, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Ingo Naujoks, Heinrich Schafmeister, Steffen Bielig, H.H. Müller, Thomas Scharff, Tanja Schumann, Armin Benz, Josie Lukschy, Maxine Schulze, Laura Alberta SzalskiEine Verwechslung lässt den liebevollen, leicht chaotischen Familienvater Christoph zu der Überzeugung kommen, dass er nur noch wenige Monate zu leben hat. Voller Panik beschließt der Kontrollfreak, Vorsorge für die Zeit nach seinem Tod zu treffen: Er ist fest entschlossen, einen passenden Mann für seine schon bald verwitwete Ehefrau Friederike zu finden. Allerdings gestaltet sich die Suche nach einem würdigen Nachfolger schwieriger als erwartet.
A confusion makes the loving, slightly chaotic family man Christoph come to the conclusion that he has only a few months to live. Full of panic, the control freak decides to make provision for the time after his death: He is determined to find a suitable man for his soon to be widowed wife Friederike. However, the search for a worthy successor is more difficult than expected.
A confusion makes the loving, slightly chaotic family man Christoph come to the conclusion that he has only a few months to live. Full of panic, the control freak decides to make provision for the time after his death: He is determined to find a suitable man for his soon to be widowed wife Friederike. However, the search for a worthy successor is more difficult than expected.