Südsee, eigene Insel
Thomas BahmannSchauspieler:
Herbert Knaup, Andrea Sawatzki, Alexandra Maria Lara, Ben Becker, Katharina Abt, Heinrich Giskes, Jürgen Schornagel, Harald Leipnitz, Franka Potente, Oliver Korittke, Steffen Wink, Hilmi Sözer, Kerstin De Ahna, Patrizia MorescoEine Familie verbringt den Urlaub im Keller, damit die Nachbarn nicht merken, daß sie sich keinen Urlaub leisten können.
Due to certain circumstances a family can't travel for holidays, thus they secretly spend the time in their cellar so as not to let the neighbors know.
Due to certain circumstances a family can't travel for holidays, thus they secretly spend the time in their cellar so as not to let the neighbors know.