Arseny SyukhinSchauspieler:
Artyom Tsukanov, Milena Radulović, Nikita Dyuvbanov, Kirill Kovbas, Vadim Demchog, Sergey Ivanuk, Nicholay Kovbas, Ilya Ilinykh, Victor Nizovoy, Andrey Trushin, Evgeny Cherkashin, Vladimir Kolida, Albina Chaykina, Maxim Radugin, Dasha Chagal, Alexey SdobnovEin kleines Forscherteam geht tief unter die Erdoberfläche, um heraus-zufinden, welches Geheimnis das tiefste Bohrloch der Welt verbirgt. Was sie finden, entpuppt sich als die größte Bedrohung der Geschichte. Und die Zukunft der Menschheit liegt in ihren Händen.
Russischer Creature-Horror à la "Das Ding" oder "Alien".
The film is based on real events when, in the 1970s, the deepest well in the world with a depth of more than 12 thousand meters was drilled in Murmansk Region for research purposes. During drilling, seismic sensors began to pick up strange sounds, an explosion occurred that led to mystical events.
The film is based on real events when, in the 1970s, the deepest well in the world with a depth of more than 12 thousand meters was drilled in Murmansk Region for research purposes. During drilling, seismic sensors began to pick up strange sounds, an explosion occurred that led to mystical events.